Thank you for indicating your availability for virtual group mentoring sessions.
Please indicate your date and time availability in GMT/UTC. For a time zone calculator please use this site. If you prefer to indicate your time availability in your own time zone, kindly specify which zone to avoid any confusion. As Konseye: The Mentorship Network is a global platform, we are grateful if you could please consider time availability that could work in a variety of timezones to increase opportunities for people in different parts of the world to connect with you.
You can indicate multiple sessions per month or spread over several months. The choice is yours! Please indicate at least two dates and time slots.
If you would like to maintain a consistent day and time please indicate in the comments below (e.g., weekly on Wednesdays at 14:00GMT starting 21 December 2022).
Change in your schedule? Not a problem, please email us at and we will make the necessary changes.
Thank you! We will send you a confirmation shortly.